Faithfulness First
Jan 18, 2023 | Maurice Uenuma
In addition to understanding Scripture and clarifying doctrine, we need to understand how faithfulness applies in practice.
Here we ask: how should we, as Christ-followers, impact rest the world in a meaningful way?
Jesus Christ didn't rely on earthly means; he was simply faithful to His father and to His calling. It was because Jesus was faithful, even unto death on the cross, that God's righteousness was manifested in a real way - namely, the redemption and restoration of the world!
So, for us, it's clear: we can only truly serve God when we are truly faithful. It's about our approach and attitude as much as anything else, one of being faithful in everything we already do - in ministry, in culture, in government, in business, in entertainment. It's about being faithful to God and to His Word, and living in a manner worthy of being His ambassadors in a foreign land.
It's a shift:
- From striving to change culture, to being faithful in loving God and loving others in every aspect of community life
- From loyalty to a political party or personality, to being loyal first and foremost to God's future kingdom (rather than the kingdoms of this world)
- From being disciplined in following a financial plan, to being faithful in giving and sharing
- From seeking approval and accolades, to being faithful in living virtuous, Christ-centered lives, regardless of what others like or do
In and through that condition, God's righteousness can be manifested in our lives and His will can be accomplished in the world in real, tangible ways. That's how we truly impact the world!
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